About Us

We at the Full Gospel Lighthouse, care about where you will spend eternity.  Pastor John will only speak the truth right from the bible.  It may offend people who don’t want to thear the truth but it comes straight from the bible and what it says.

We treat everyone like a family.  Everyone is welcome to join us.  We always look forward to having new people come in.  We are a traditional, old fashion type church.  We still sing from the hymn books but we also will sind choruses also.  We take pride in how our services are run. We do not have flashy lights, screens or fancy music.  We just have a piano and guitar.  Others are welcome to bring other instruments to play.

Pastor John and his wife lead the worship.  Christine plays the piano for the hymns and Pastor John plays the guitar for the choruses.  Abour every third Saturday, we have an traditional hymn sing.  Others come from other churches, some bring their musical instruments.  We allow the Holy Spirit to lead this and we have anyone who has a song they want to sing or a testimony or prayer request to bring it with them to share with us.

It is not a one man show.  We are all part fo the family of God and brothers and sisters in the Lord.  We want to share the different callings that people have on their life.  You are part of our family too!